Wednesday, September 10, 2014

find a way or an excuse

If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse. -- Grant Cardone (March 1958 - Present) Sales Expert & Author

Above is a shot of the lower Rock Creek Falls, which I think is prettier. It looks small in the photo but I would say it's about 30 or so feet tall. Everything was so saturated from the recent rains and made everything so green as you can see! I think you agree that the quote above is true for just about anyone and everyone that is human. I know it is true for me. When I don't want to do something or when it's not that important to me I will find a way or an excuse to get myself out of it. Hiking up to Rock Creek Falls yesterday was quite the challenge. The hike itself wasn't very long, ONLY 2 miles (4 round trip), but with a 40 pounder on my back it was quite strenuous to say the least considering it was all up hill. However, my 3 year old, Madelyn loves hiking or should I say riding, the mountains, and waterfalls. It seemed like every little waterfall we passed, which was a lot, she definitely pointed it out. So, needless to say, I could not give up because the best was yet to come. I felt it was important to the both of us so coming up with excuses to give up was not an option. We made it to both of them but this here Dad is not in the shape he was when he initially hiked this trail 4 years ago regardless of the extra 40 lbs I had tagging along.