I believe that a simple and unassuming life is good for everybody, physically and mentally. Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler. -- Albert Einstein (March 1879 - April 1955) German-Born Theoretical Physicist
There's really nothing better than a glass of sweet iced tea out of a Mason jar! Lets face it, everything is better out of a Mason jar whether its pickled okra, fresh strawberry preserves, or apple butter, you name it, it's better! Not only does it make the things we eat and drink better, it also can take you back to a more simple time. A time to where our cell phones weren't attached to our hips, a time where everything just seemed to move a lot slower. I wish so bad sometimes we could all get back to that and I do try to keep things as simple as possible but when the day is done I know it's really just wishful thinking. I took this photo one sunny afternoon at an antique store in downtown Bristol, VA. The store was HUGE and I really didn't have all that much time but I did manage to take a few photos of some things here and there. Pictured above, as you can see, is a line of Mason jar called The Clyde. The Clyde launched in 1871, but only for a brief period. After doing some research I wish I would have purchased it because its kind of rare. John Mason of Philadelphia, invented the first glass canning jar in 1858 and became a partner in the Consolidated Fruit Jar Company. Consolidated hired many other glass makers to blow their jars including the Clyde glass works out of Clyde, New York.